Set on the backdrop of a raging civil war, The Beautiful Ones follows a young woman named Kelendra Byron as she is lifted from poverty because of her beauty, but at the cost of her free will.
The Haunting of Alice Rommel follows two sisters as they struggle to overcome the threat of an entity that has invaded their home, and has targeted one of them as a result.
Set in a dystopian future where virtual reality video games dominates entertainment, Kingsman Online follows a young woman named Sophia Garza as she fights to save her dying mother's life — no matter the cost.
Set in a dark fantasy world, The Plague Bloom follows a young woman named Bryce Song as she journeys to the zombie-ridden ground in search of her people's final hope for survival.
In a near-future small town of Texas, a young woman named Oaklynn Smith, and her love of the fabled, supposedly-extinct red wolf, will set into motion a change of events that will rock her hometown forever.
Set on the backdrop of a small Texas town, Christy, a young witch, works to conjure a love spell to bring her best friend Adam's true love — at what may be the cost of their safety.
Set in a dystopian, real-world setting where magic is outlawed by the government, a young woman named Salem Richards spontaneously comes into her magical powers, and must fight to survive as a result.
In a far-future world plagued by political tension, a young woman named Ember Hillen is selected to become the holy conduit to her society's living god, and must navigate what that means as a result
Set six years after an advanced alien civilization has invaded the planet Earth, a young woman named Ana Mia vows to make a difference in her community. Little does she know she will soon become a part of a much larger conflict.